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Diet in the gambia -

20-12-2016 à 17:37:56
Diet in the gambia
A high maternal mortality ratio is also observed. The share of most micronutrient- and protein-rich foods in the dietary energy supply has not increased while that of vegetable oils and sweeteners has increased substantially, reflecting the nutrition transition experienced by The Gambia. Efforts should be maintained to encourage early initiation of breastfeeding, exclusive breastfeeding up to 6 months of age and adequate complementary feeding practices. The main staple dish in The Gambia is rice with a choice of stew. Economic performance has improved, but as yet, this has not translated into reduced poverty, which remains widespread and severe, with about 60% of the population below the poverty line. The share of lipids in the dietary energy supply reaches the upper limit of recommendations while that of protein remains at the lower limit. Information: Traditional Gambian dishes cooked in homes are mostly. For the majority of Gambians afternoon lunch is the most. Thanks to efficient promotion programmes, young child feeding practices have improved. The population, very young, is now predominantly urban. In the context of high population growth, agricultural production is limited and The Gambia depends heavily on imports of food staples.

Lunch is served in a large, common food bowl next to which the. Many of these dishes are also common to Senegalese cooking as both. Although a slight improvement has been observed since 2000, infant and under-five mortality rates remain high. Popular cooking seasonings: Jumbo and Maggi Cubes are similar to bouillon cubes, and are widely used to season all types of. The Republic of The Gambia, situated on the western coast of Africa, forms a narrow enclave in the Republic of Senegal except for a short seaboard on the Atlantic coastline. Dietary energy supply is barely sufficient to meet population energy requirements and 30% of the population is undernourished, a proportion which has increased over the last decade. Access to health facilities is relatively good, but poor quality of services reduces the effectiveness of the health system. Low agricultural production, recurrent droughts and poverty contribute to food insecurity among the population. The staples are complemented by vegetables, milk, fish and groundnuts. The diet is largely based on cereals, mainly rice and millet and, to a lesser extent, sorghum, maize, and wheat. Some of the best known authentic dishes are.

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